22 Juli 2012


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Tadi siang saya mendengarkan kajian yang indah sekali .Simple ceritanya>>
Pada suatu hari ada sebuah keluarga yang hidup dirumah sempit dan sangat sederhana.Tiba tiba datnglah hujan yang lebat.Apa yang terjadi???
Rumah mereka bocor dan menetes ke lantai lantai mereka.Lubangnya yang besar,seketika ,Sang Ibu mengambil baskom besar untuk menampung air hujan itu.Mereka merenungi nasibnya yang sangat malang.Tetapi Si ibu mengambil kertas dan membuat kapal kapalan diatas baskom yang telah terisi air itu.Sang Ayahpun terharu dengan kesetiaan Ibu dan kesabarannya.Anak anak Merekapun masih bisa tersenyum ditengah kemalangan nasib mereka.Allah tak akan memberi cobaan yang melebihi diatas kemampuan umatnya!!!
"Semalang apapun keadaan ,,syukuri!!! Karena pasti ada kebahagiaan diantara kemalangan tersebut."

16 Juli 2012

Are They deserve called DEVELOPED COUNTRIES???

Where is their mind???
I don't know about their point of view.Let their citizens go to black life,let in porn world,let them like satan.
Why they just look and not prevent.Developed countries??? no!!! absolutely NOOOOO
Bad moral!!!
Not shame!!!
Show off beauty of body???
USA,JAPAN???? Are They deserve called DEVELOPED COUNTRIES??? WHILE They Permit porn in industry of film.
developed countries should give good moral!!!
I think Saudi arabia deserve called DEVELOPED COUNTRIES,,,because of good preventing in porn well

08 Juli 2012

Good Quotes

Now I choose a great quote!!!
Enjoy !!!

Patience is the companion of wisdom.  ~St. Augustine

A man is not where he lives, but where he loves.  ~Latin Proverb

Will you love me in December as you do in May,
Will you love me in the good old fashioned way?
When my hair has all turned gray,
Will you kiss me then and say,
That you love me in December as you do in May?
~James J. Walker

Life is like riding a bicycle - in order to keep your balance, you must keep moving.  ~Albert Einstein

All philosophy in two words, - sustain and abstain.  ~Epictetus

Giving up doesn't always mean you are weak.  Sometimes it means that you are strong enough to let go.  ~Author Unknown