04 Juni 2011

Chalengges Islam in the Future

In Indonesia,radicalism have been risen for years ago.It's very dangerous to all people.It give influence to citizens about disintegration.Radicaliism is public enemy,for Muslim or non Muslim.In fact,Islam teach charity and peace,say no to violent!!!
2.Economical of Islam
Muslim should not to be lazy.In this case,Muslim not only consentration in ceremonial worship,but should be give attention in world need.Good muslim is good in vertical relation (with god) and horizontal relation (with people).
3.Weak Motivation doing Islam Rules
Learn and teach about Islam Rules must be prepared and done by all people in Islam World.Moslems cannot use another rules that bring to the bad  behaviour,for example:free sex,gamble and genoside,etc.Rules of Islam contains about vertical relation and horizontal relation,so Rules of Islam not only lesson but to be principle of all moslems.
Before face enemy outside,destroy enemy inside.
5.Be carefull about Mass media
Now,it's time digital era!! Big advantage and big risk.In mass media many contents that have bad effect to personality  moslems.Porn,provocation in hedonism lifestyle and invitation in satanism are the examples  about the bad effect of media. 

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