19 Agustus 2015

Best Lyrics - John Mayer

Hello everyone,
Here's the best word from John Mayer's Lyrisc.John Mayer,one of the best Musician in the planet
Check this out;

"The Heart Of Life"
I hate to see you cry
Lying there in that position
There's things you need to hear
So turn off your tears
And listen

Pain throws your heart to the ground
Love turns the whole thing around
No it won't all go the way it should
But I know the heart of life is good

Explanation >>

You know how bad when you are crying in that place,pale,dull.You will be better after listen this advice from Mr Mayer,lol.I know only Love can make everything change to be better and the most important thing that Life always give you lesson from good or bad thing

"War Of My Life"
Come out Angels
Come out Ghosts
Come out Darkness
Bring everyone you know
I'm not running
I'm not scared
I am waiting and well prepared


Fear is the natural characterististic from Human being.Don't run ,Cowards!!!
All you can do is Prepare.Preparation increase your Confident.Believe me !!!

"Edge Of Desire"
I want you so bad I'll go back on the things I believe
there I just said it
I'm scared you'll forget about me

don't say a word
just come over and lie here with me
cause I'm just about to set fire to everything I see

The fear of losing something.It happen sometime when you truly love .This is about Woman,her smile,her body her ,her beauty make you want...

Ok,thank you everyone.I hope you like it_

14 Agustus 2015


Aku melangkah majulah,masak mundur.Ditemani teman teman yang baik ada,yang nggak baik juga ada.Dalam kehidupan banyak pilihan yang berjalan mengganggu termasuk
pilih wanita idaman kita,selera musik hingga Club kesukaan.Adakalanya kita serius ,wanitanya pilih bilang jalani saja.Adakalanya kita bingung pilih lagu kesukaan
kita ,pilih memutar Amnesiac nya Radiohead atau AM nya Arctic Monkeys.Pilihan dalam hidup tergantung selera kita.Tetapi pilihan yang salah akan jadi penyesalan,
seperti kenapa aku pilih Nonton bareng Liverpool sama temen temen daripada malem mingguan.Kenapa coba??? Ya karena belum punya cewek atau LDR,hahahaha

Aku mendengarkan musik sudah seperti kecanduan,rasanya pengen buat Album yang unik bernilai seni tinggi kayak KId A nya Radiohead atau Frank nya Amy Winehouse.
Tetapi tahu nggak,aku nggak konsisten dan plin plan,mirip yang dikatakan si mantan,hhhahahaha.Ketika nonton liuk liukannya Coutinho tuch yang maen buat Liverpool.
Futsalpun ngopi paste gayanya Si Coutinho.
Begitu juga pas nonton konsernya Radiohead (walaupun cuman lewat Youtube),langsung terbawa ke kehidupan,pengen aja kalau nyanyi pengen se ekspresive Thom Yorke,
kalau maen gitar pengen se keren Johnny Greenwood.
Jadi intinya,kita ini pengen jadi siapa sich??? hhhahahahaha
Itu dulu mungkin,celotehannya,nggak usah mikir berat berat dululah,hheehhe